Surefire tips for earning grades colleges will notice

tips for earning grades colleges notice

At the top of every list of what colleges look for in applicants is a strong academic record. This means both grade point average and strength of academic program. Grades always should be trending upward, and although “stuff happens” grade blips are definitely not desirable.

Here are a few surefire tips for earning grades colleges are bound to notice:

Show up. And not just physically, although that’s a good first step. Attend class with the intent to learn. Avoid distractions such as reading other materials, texting, surreptitiously surfing the net on your handheld device, or talking to the student next to you.

Get Organized. Invest in a planner and use it. When your teacher announces an assignment, write it down. Check off assignments as they’re completed and always scan ahead to see what’s on the horizon. You’d be amazed how handy a planner is—log in club meetings, dentist appointments, or consultations with your guidance counselor. The more you use a planner, the better organized you will become.

Sit close to the front of the classroom. Students who voluntarily sit in one of the first few rows generally earn better grades than those who sit toward the back. Sorry. It’s just true!

Ask questions. If you don’t “get” something, the chances are excellent that others in the class also don’t understand. Inquisitive students are engaged students.

Join class discussions. Teachers notice who is paying attention through class participation. This can play to your advantage when it comes time to giving out grades. Besides, discussions (and class content) are much more likely to be imprinted on your mind if you’ve gotten involved.

Take good class notes. You’ll be taking notes for the rest of your academic career, so learn and practice these skills now. Find a system that works for you and use it.

Listen. Listen “between the lines” for subtle messages. Many teachers provide strong clues about the most important elements in a lesson—even suggesting something about a topic’s relevance to the next quiz or test. The best students pick up on these clues.

Ask for help. The key is not to wait until you’ve fallen hopelessly behind. Your front line source of help is your teacher, who should be very invested in your success. Stay after class or make an appointment for after-school help. If this doesn’t work, seek outside support. Try classmates or find a tutor if necessary.

Keep up. Finish assignments before they are due. Actually turning in the work helps too. And if offered, go a step further by responding to extra credit opportunities.

Read actively. Active reading involves more than scanning words on a page. For some students, it means underlining, highlighting, or annotating materials. Others develop lists of key words and summarize materials as they read.

Study daily. Successful students commit some time every day to active studying—reading, writing, and reviewing. This may also mean outlining, making flash cards, participating in study groups, or rewriting notes. Students who work steadily on coursework do better than those who study in large chunks, and they definitely outperform students who cram.

Upgrade writing skills. Learn to proofread, revise, and correct written work. At the same time, take steps to increase vocabulary and develop facility with basic grammar. Improved writing skill strengthens critical thinking as well as listening, reading, and speaking abilities. It also pays off outside the classroom with higher standardized test scores.

Limit internet distractions. There is no reason to have Facebook or any social networking distraction going while doing homework. In fact, it’s likely you can complete most assignments without even turning the computer on. Consider studying somewhere away from the single biggest “attractive nuisance” in the house—your computer.

Avoid overscheduling. Keeping in mind the relative importance of GPA in the college admissions process, be smart about the number of outside time commitments interfering with your ability to study and complete assignments on time. Time management will become increasingly important as you go further in your education.

Develop test taking know-how. Successful test taking avoids carelessness and rests on a few simple strategies like following directions, becoming familiar with different kinds of questions, and understanding how the test will be graded.

Get enough sleep. Go to bed at a reasonable time and turn off your cellphone. Better yet, leave the cellphone in the kitchen. No text message is ever that important.

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