Welcome to Alma Mater tutoring test proctoring and counseling

alma mater tutoring test proctoring counseling
Picture of PAUL NICHOLAS, M.A.

Founder & CEO

Welcome to Alma Mater tutoring test proctoring counseling

Our expert tutors provide in-home instruction for students in grades K-12, college and beyond.
Alma Mater Educational Services offers a wide variety of tutoring, test proctoring and counseling to help students build confidence and succeed academically. Our tutors will travel to students’ homes and schools anywhere in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Culver City, Hancock-Park, Beverly Hills, Bel-Air, Brentwood, Westwood, Hollywood Hills and beyond.

We can arrange for one-on-one sessions seven days a week to meet busy schedules.

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Academic Tutoring  ––  College Counseling  ––  Test

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